

Type -
Description -
Location Contig375: 247577-248801


ID eus:EUTSA_v10014451mg
description hypothetical protein
description Chain A, Anomalous Substructure Of Hydroxynitrile Lyase
ID P52704
description (S)-hydroxynitrile lyase OS=Hevea brasiliensis GN=HNL PE=1 SV=1
ID O49897
description Alpha-hydroxynitrile lyase OS=Manihot esculenta GN=HNL4 PE=4 SV=1
Gene Ontology
ID GO:0052891
description #NAME?

Full-length cDNA clone information


Similar expressed genes (Top20)

Rank Gene Score (JSD) Function Description NCBI(nr) information
1 Hb_000375_230 0.0 - - Chain A, Anomalous Substructure Of Hydroxynitrile Lyase
2 Hb_000540_090 0.1945121091 - - PREDICTED: chitinase 2-like [Jatropha curcas]
3 Hb_083822_010 0.2033393341 - - PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC105636491 [Jatropha curcas]
4 Hb_003938_030 0.2159374841 transcription factor TF Family: ERF ethylene-responsive transcription factor 2 [Hevea brasiliensis]
5 Hb_000815_180 0.2488667833 - - -
6 Hb_156637_010 0.2491303827 - - PREDICTED: aldose reductase-like [Camelina sativa]
7 Hb_011549_020 0.2491873619 - - -
8 Hb_086063_030 0.2497238309 - - PREDICTED: pre-mRNA-processing-splicing factor 8-like [Camelina sativa]
9 Hb_007966_010 0.2497839583 - - carbohydrate binding protein, putative [Ricinus communis]
10 Hb_001740_020 0.2500835817 - - hypothetical protein JCGZ_23765 [Jatropha curcas]
11 Hb_000266_090 0.2502784032 - - -
12 Hb_004785_110 0.2509706836 - - -
13 Hb_000603_060 0.2509758827 - - putative gag protein [Coffea canephora]
14 Hb_000473_130 0.2509771313 - - PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC105778857 [Gossypium raimondii]
15 Hb_095589_010 0.2509929774 - - Ankyrin repeat family protein, putative [Theobroma cacao]
16 Hb_052135_040 0.25102722 - - -
17 Hb_000963_100 0.2510351341 - - Protein SUA5, putative [Ricinus communis]
18 Hb_072376_010 0.2510712398 - - -
19 Hb_019429_010 0.2517695562 - - conserved hypothetical protein [Ricinus communis]
20 Hb_000083_030 0.2537537646 - - hypothetical protein JCGZ_24974 [Jatropha curcas]

Gene co-expression network

sample Hb_000375_230 Hb_000375_230 Hb_000540_090 Hb_000540_090 Hb_000375_230--Hb_000540_090 Hb_083822_010 Hb_083822_010 Hb_000375_230--Hb_083822_010 Hb_003938_030 Hb_003938_030 Hb_000375_230--Hb_003938_030 Hb_000815_180 Hb_000815_180 Hb_000375_230--Hb_000815_180 Hb_156637_010 Hb_156637_010 Hb_000375_230--Hb_156637_010 Hb_011549_020 Hb_011549_020 Hb_000375_230--Hb_011549_020 Hb_002119_030 Hb_002119_030 Hb_000540_090--Hb_002119_030 Hb_171974_010 Hb_171974_010 Hb_000540_090--Hb_171974_010 Hb_067028_010 Hb_067028_010 Hb_000540_090--Hb_067028_010 Hb_001922_100 Hb_001922_100 Hb_000540_090--Hb_001922_100 Hb_000540_090--Hb_003938_030 Hb_000025_490 Hb_000025_490 Hb_000540_090--Hb_000025_490 Hb_000392_460 Hb_000392_460 Hb_083822_010--Hb_000392_460 Hb_021346_040 Hb_021346_040 Hb_083822_010--Hb_021346_040 Hb_083822_010--Hb_003938_030 Hb_001623_310 Hb_001623_310 Hb_083822_010--Hb_001623_310 Hb_000853_040 Hb_000853_040 Hb_083822_010--Hb_000853_040 Hb_105226_010 Hb_105226_010 Hb_003938_030--Hb_105226_010 Hb_040359_010 Hb_040359_010 Hb_003938_030--Hb_040359_010 Hb_001269_460 Hb_001269_460 Hb_003938_030--Hb_001269_460 Hb_000815_180--Hb_156637_010 Hb_000815_180--Hb_011549_020 Hb_086063_030 Hb_086063_030 Hb_000815_180--Hb_086063_030 Hb_007966_010 Hb_007966_010 Hb_000815_180--Hb_007966_010 Hb_001740_020 Hb_001740_020 Hb_000815_180--Hb_001740_020 Hb_000266_090 Hb_000266_090 Hb_000815_180--Hb_000266_090 Hb_156637_010--Hb_011549_020 Hb_156637_010--Hb_086063_030 Hb_156637_010--Hb_007966_010 Hb_156637_010--Hb_001740_020 Hb_156637_010--Hb_000266_090 Hb_011549_020--Hb_086063_030 Hb_011549_020--Hb_007966_010 Hb_011549_020--Hb_001740_020 Hb_011549_020--Hb_000266_090
Green: transcription factors, Orange: rubber biosynthesis, Blue: desease resistance

Expression pattern by RNA-Seq analysis

RRIM600_Latex RRIM600_Bark RRIM600_Leaf RRIM600_Petiole PB350_Latex RRIM901_Latex
0 0.192886 0.203408 0 0 0
RRII105_Latex_C RRII105_Latex_S RRIM928_Latex RRIM928_Bark RRIM928_Leaf
0 0.0532408 0 0 0

CAGE analysis